java.lang package
- As we know java.lang is the package which is automatically imported to all programs.
- It contains classes and interfaces which are fundamentally to all java programs.
- It is the mostly used package in Java.
- It defines the following Classes
Boolean | Enum | Process | String |
Byte | Float | ProcessBuilder | StringBuffer |
Character | InheitableThreadLocal | ProcessBuilder.Redirect | StringBuilder |
Character.Subset | Integer | Runtime | System |
Character.UnicodeBlock | Long | RuntimePermission | Thread |
Class | Math | SecurityManager | ThreadGroup |
ClassLoader | Number | Short | ThreadLoacal |
ClassValue | Object | StackTraceElement | Throwable |
Compiler | Package | StrictMath | Void |
Double |
- It defines the following Interfaces.
Appendable | Cloneable | Readable |
AutoCloseable | Comparable | Runnable |
CharSequence | Iterable | Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler |