A unit of storage in java programming.
type identifier= value;
type- predefined data type, class name or interface name.
identifier- name of the variable.
value- corresponding to the type of variable.
int a,b; //declaring the variables.
int x=5,y,z=10; // initializing the variables.
Dynamic Initialization of variables
During the execution of expression variable will initialized.
int a=2,b=3; // direct initialization
int c= add(a,b); //dynamic initialization
Scope of variable
scope means block of code surrounded by curly braces.
in java 2 types- class scope, method scope.
nested scope- the variables in outside scope can be accessed by inside scope but not vice versa.
//example of nested scope
class NestedScopeExample
public static void main(String args[])
int a=5;
System.out.println("value of a is::"+a); //displays 5
int b=10;
System.out.println("value of b is::"+b); // displays 10
System.out.println("value of a is::"+a); // displays 5
System.out.println("value of b in outside scope"+b);//error as we can't access b variable
output:: cannot found a symbol b
as we can access the out scope variable in inside scope but we can't declare the same variable again.
int a=10; //error as a already exists.
Type Conversation
if both value and identifier are of same type.
if the data type is higher than value type.
automatic conversation done by byte, long, short, char
char to boolean or boolean to char is not possible
ex 1:
int a;
byte b=50;
a=b*2; // possible as int is more limit than byte.
ex 2:
byte b=50;
b=50*2//not possible as more than byte limit
b=(byte) 50*2;
Casting incompatible types
_Narrowing conversation:_making value to narrow to fit into a target variable.
ex: int a=100;
byte b;
b= a;//it is not possible as byte is smaller than int
b= (byte) a;// (target type) value.
Truncation: initializing float or double values to int type variable means different values.
ex: int a;
float f=1.43;
a=f; // not possible as different types
a = (int) f;// truncation of f to a
Type Promotion Rules
byte, char, short can promote to int.
long to long.
double to double.
float to float.