New features added are

  • lambda expression , introduces an entirely new syntax element and fundamentally increases the expressive power of the language.
  • stream library in, supports pipeline operations on data.
  • default method, makes it possible to add default functionality to an interface.

  • repeating and type annotations

    Need of Java

  • c was developed from

  • c++ was introduced for reduce complexity.

  • Java was developed for portability.

Allowing String data type in switch statement.-------------Control Statements.

Default Interfaces provides default method to execute in Interfaces------------Packages and Interfaces

One or more Static methods to interface-------------------------------------------------------Packages and Interfaces

Enumerations, Autoboxing and Autounboxing, Annotations are added at beginning of JDK5-----------------------------------------------------------------Enumerations

In JDK 8, annotations can also be specified in most cases in which a type is used by TypeAnnotations.

JDK 7 added a new feature that offers another way to manage resources, such as file streams, by automating the closing process.

In JDK5 Generics are introuced.

Lambda Expressions are added in JDK8 which have the greater significantly enhancement like Generics in Java

::- This two colon operator is introduced in JDK8 for this method reference feature.

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